Footsteps for Good

Footsteps for Good- A sports competition was held in our school on 26th and 27th of December, 2015. The chief guest Mr TARUN DHILLON declared the sports championship open. All the students took oath to play games with sportsmanship .All the students participated with full zeal and enthusiasm.There were many races for classes 1 and 2 on 27th . Firstly it started with 50m Flat race of boys and girls seperatly. Then PEC Card Relay event took place. Hand Ball Throw and Maximum goals in one minute were the popular events. Students won medals in various events and exhibited their immense talent in the field of Sports . Our students got second prize-Trophy. Congratulations to all the participants and winners. Winners of Class II 50 m Flat Race- III - Kritvi Niranjan PEC Card Relay- I- Jatin Goyal, Aarav Shokeen, Tavish Dangri, Pranav Gupta, Gauri Jain, Kritvi Niranjan Hand Ball Throw- I- Devansh Jain, Kashika Batra Maximum Goals...