
Showing posts from April, 2016

Building your own shapes


Internal organs- an introduction

The students went to the lab to identify  and know about the functions of the internal organs.

Activity- Toothpics activity

To identify 3 digit numbers . To analyze and relate the digit with its place value and to Count forward and backward from any given number the activity with tooth pics was done.

Earth Day

Earth Day Earth Day is a launch pad for course-changing, positive environmental action. Since 1970, Earth Day has activated individuals and organizations annually to strengthen the collective fight against man’s exploitive relationship with the planet. The Earth Day campaign aims to combat climate change by driving substantive behavioral change and channel quantifiable action on behalf of the environment. Earth Day is celebrated every year on April 22 Why only 22 April ? Because it did not fall during exams or spring breaks, did not conflict with religious holidays and was late enough in spring to have decent weather. Founder of Earth Day : Senator Gaylord Nelson First Earth Day: April 22, 1970 Core Issues Advocacy Climate Change Conservation & Biodiversity Education Energy Food & Agriculture Green Economy Green Schools Recycling & Waste Reduction Sustainable Development Water Quotes and Slogans on Earth Day It’s your mother calling.DON’T KEEP HER ON HOLD Love

Earth Day- Poem Recitation Competition

Ist Prize-                               Rudraksh                                                       Laksh Narang                                                 Garv Popli                       IInd Prize-                             Namit Chopra                                                                       Ravisha Kamra                      IIIrd prize-                             Aarna Chopra                                                                      Ananya Bhatia                     Judges-                                  Ms. Prerna Venkatesh                                                                    Ms.Aruna Dhiman

Health Week- Aerobics session




2-d Shapes Geo board activity

 2-d shapes on Geo board