
Showing posts from March, 2017

First day at school

The first day at school filled with fun and gearing up for the new session.

Welcome to school

My Dear Students and Parents........Can you believe it?  Another school year is upon us!  I can’t tell you enough how excited we are and even more importantly, we are excited to fill the classrooms with laughter, passion, and learning.  At PRIMUS we want each and every child to know that  they are valued and that they hold tremendous worth. We believe in growth and potential.  And we believe in bringing everyone together to accomplish success. To the parents and guardians, you are just as important.  Without you, we will not reach our full potential as a school.  We value you and your opinions.  We look to you as a partner in your child’s education.  We are excited to work with you and to greet you with a smile and open arms each and every day.  PRIMUS will be a place where you are always welcome .                        


Mayank Kumar Jena of Class II secured First position at State Level. Congratulations!

Holi Greetings


Holi Celebrations

Holi, known as the ‘festival of colors’ is celebrated on the full moon day falling in the month of Phalguna . Various colors and water are thrown on each other, amidst loud music, drums etc to celebrate Holi. Like many other festivals in India, Holi also signifies a victory of good over evil. Yhe students celebrated Holi with friends and teachers. They also shared their joy and festivity with others.

Cloud Graph

Cirrus clouds  are high feathery clouds. They are up so high they are actually made of ice particles. They are indicators of fair weather when they are scattered in a clear blue sky. Cumulus clouds  are the puffy clouds that look like puffs of cotton. Cumulus clouds that do not get very tall are indicators of fair weather. If they do grow tall, they can turn into thunderstorms. The bottom of cumulus clouds are fairly close to the ground. Stratus clouds  look like flat sheets of clouds. These clouds can mean an overcast day or steady rain. They may stay in one place for several days.

Activity-'Let me Tell you' - Money

The students were told to show the told amount in different combinations. It helped the students to deal with the Rupees and coins. They had the better understanding of the concept. 

Life skill workshop


Phases of Moon


Progression 2017

The school organized 'Progression' an annual cultural presentation by the Students of CBSE-i at Sir Shankarlal Concert Hall, North Campus, Delhi University, on 23rd February, 2017. The Students of Class II showcased a colourful presentation on Topic - "Efflorescence". It was appreciated by all the guests and audience present there. Here is the glimpse of the same.