Inter-House Skit Competition Topic- Importance of First Aid

September 10, 2016, is World First Aid Day, an annual campaign to promote the importance of first aid training in preventing injuries and saving lives. To Make the students understand the importance of First Inter house skit competition  was organised on 24th October, 2016.


"Building the understanding to provide First Aid in emergencies”


To minimize injuries and the loss of life  through providing First Aid skills.
To train on basic First Aid and life supporting measures.

Ist Prize-  Bhabha House

Ananya Bhatia
Aryan shokeen
Laksh Narang
Pravar Gupta
Saumya Khanna

IInd Prize-  Einstein House

Arnav Sahni
Gaurang Khera
Janvi Tyagi
Mayank k Jena
Rudraksh Dahiya 

IIIrd prize- Newton house

Arth Gupta
Hardik bhasin
Kartik Gupta
Namit Chopra
Sarthak Katial


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