Kite flying
Let the spirit of freedom continue- Independence Day is approaching and Kite flying is an expression of freedom, happiness and patriotism. The colourful kites fill the skies in no time, and behold, they are animated. Your heart leaps when you see colorful papers flying on heights and almost disappears in the dotted sky like a speck.
It is time for everyone to celebrate this important occasion of our lives. Let the old and the young alike come forward to join this traditional activity of kite flying. Let the new generation enjoy the spirit of freedom. Let them come out of their boring videos and computer games and have a fun-filled Independence day celebration. The old can revive their childhood and scream loudly “aai bo”. Let the spirit of freedom fly high!!!
So, the students of DAV Primus Celebrated this spirit of freedom by flying small kites.
However, Students were told not to use manjha for flying kites, because, a manjha is coated with finely crushed and powdered glass, which is dangerous for birds when they get entangled in the thread. It is also dangerous for pedestrians and two-wheelers. Instead, everyone should use cotton threads.

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