
Showing posts from February, 2019

Act it out- Story -The fair solution

Dramatization - The students dramatized the story 'The fair solution'  and delivered the dialogues  according to the character of the story they were depicting.

Activity- Magnetic material

T he students investigated different materials to see which is magnetic or non magnetic. They understood what happens when a magnetic material is taken close to a magnet. They were given a set of few materials out of which they had to sort with the help of a magnet.

Activity- Testing Strength of paper

Science experiments  play a very crucial  role  in the on going intellectual development of children. Through  experiments children get to explore and draw conclusion  to exercise their  curiosity. They are given the freedom to engage in new explorations, experimentations, and explanations. T he students tested different types of paper to check which paper is best to make a paper bag. Around 1 kg was weighed by using different types of  paper.