Be Healthy, Be happy

Dengue is a viral infection transmitted through a mosquito bite. It causes high fever and a rash. The female Tiger mosquito spreads the dengue virus. Dengue virus is active for about ten days once in the body.
Dengue – causing mosquitoes bite during the day.

How to prevent Dengue……….

  • Dress your child so as to cover as much of the body as possible to reduce exposed skin.
  • Make your child wear light – coloured clothes (dark colours attract mosquitoes.)
  • Use Citronella oil based creams and creams and sprays or other mosquito repellents.
  • Use mosquito nets while sleeping.
  • Close the windows at dawn and dusk (active mosquito times) to prevent mosquitoes from entering your house.
  • Use flying insect spray in sleeping area to kill mosquitoes.
  • Eliminate stagnant water.
  • Don’t store water in open containers.
  • Air conditioning also helps to keep mosquitoes at bay.

Did you know?
  1. The risk of dengue infection is higher in infants and children between 4-6 years.
  2. There is no vaccine against dengue. The best way to protect your child is to get rid of the mosquitoes that spread the virus.
Mosquitoes that transmit the dengue infection usually live indoors and is found in dark, cool places


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