Sense organs- Activity

 We have five sense organs that are very important for us. To understand the concept of sense organs ...... After the explanation the  questions, like - what would happen if you did not have a nose? were asked.
 Smelling Activity
Smell some good/ bad, strong/ mild smelling things and compare the smells.
Tasting activity
Taste small samples of different food items were given to the students.
Nature walk- Sense of seeing
the students were taken for nature walk and were asked about the things they observe.
Meditation- Sense of hearing
The students in a circle  meditate for 10 minutes.  The students were able to identify and list the various sounds heard during the Meditation period. This activity  enabled the students to understand that ears help us to differentiate the level of sound we hear - high, low, far, near, etc.
Expressly bag- Sense of touch:


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