English week activity- Day 3- Six thinking Hats

Six thinking Hats

The students were given a topic and a question according to their hat to discuss. And then they came to a conclusion. 

Topic-  You have decided to bring a pet at home.

       Blue hat topic- ( Focus and summary)- Why we need a pet at home?
White Hat- (Information known or needed) What things the pet will need to survive at my home?
Yellow Hat- (Brightness or optimism) What are the positive effects of having a pet at home ?
Black Hat- (Problems and dangers) What are the dangers and problems faced by people by having a pet at home?
Green Hat- (Creativity, alternatives, new ideas) What ideas do you have to solve the  problems of having pet at home?
Red Hat- (Emotions, Feelings, Intuitions) What do you think will be an overall feeling of keeping a pet at home ?


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